Hello senior families! Our last workshop in the “FAFSA Fridays Workshop Series” is THIS, Friday, February 7th from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Da Vinci Communications (DVC) in Room 3203 . Please see flyer below for details. Please use the QR Code to register or you can register here for upcoming workshops. We hope to see you there!
Cupid Shuffle Dance Canceled
Attention DVS students and families:
We have made the decision to cancel the Cupid Shuffle Dance scheduled for Friday, February 7th.
We know the students were excited about the event, and we’re sorry for any inconvenience. If you’ve already bought a ticket, a refund will be issued.
Thanks for your understanding.
Week 21 Schedule
We had a successful and wonderful Neurodiversity Week! We are especially grateful to our Neurodiversity Student Committee and staff, who have planned, organized, and presented valuable information to the whole school. We are proud of our students for sharing their experiences and being articulate, honest, and knowledgeable about their identities and abilities. We have all gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for Neurodiversity.
Today, we also enjoyed having El Camino College professor and Dean Emeritus of Engineering visit our school to deepen our partnership. In addition, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo professors and students came on campus to provide guidance and hands-on learning with student projects in the Mechanical Engineering Pathway!
Next week will be a four-day week. Friday, 2/7, is a PD day. However, there will be a Spring Dance that evening at 6:00. See details below!
Week 21 Schedule:
Week 21 Announcements:
- CLD day: The next CLD day is coming up Monday, February 10th! All students should have filled out the CLD survey to let us know where they will be and what workshops students signed up for. All students will need to fill this Community Learning Day Attendance Form on 2/10 to receive attendance credit.
- DVS Families Coffee: This Wednesday, 2/5. NEW TIME 5:00-6:00 at this Zoom link. Topic: Internship and Volunteering Opportunites from Real World Learning Director, Crissel Rodriguez
- Honors: work is available for many courses at DVS. Most honors courses are not a separate period but are integrated into the regular coursework. This could look like additional assignments and projects or the requirement to demonstrate higher levels of mastery and understanding. Below is the timeline for the Spring 2025 semester:
- Honors Launch Week: Week 20 (1/27-1/31)
- Honors Contracts due: Week 22 – Friday, 2/14
- Honors Commitment Deadline: Week 27 – Friday, 3/21
- Specific honors requirements for each course can be found in this Honors Programs & Contracts doc. Contract links will be updated after the Honors Launch week.
- UCLA Blood Drive: Did you know that every unit of blood saves 3 lives? Sign up at this link to donate at our next Blood Drive on Friday, February 14th! Students who are 16 years old can participate, but will need to have a Parent Consent Form completed. They can get this from Mr. Besina.
- From DVS – Parent Association (DVS-PA): Next DVS PA meeting Wednesday, 2/19 at 6:30 on campus. We hope to see you there!
- Advisory Fundraiser: We are still sponsoring our fundraiser for Advisory with hopes of distributing gift cards to Advisory teachers mid semester. Please consider donating a gift card in any amount to places like Target, Amazon, Trader Joes, etc. by sending it to DVSappreciation@gmail.com. You can make a tax deductible monetary donation at https://davincischools.networkforgood.com/ Select 07 – DaVinci Science AND write “DVS PA Advisory Fundraiser” as the “Note for Donor Scroll.” Learn more about Advisory and why DVS-PA is fundraising for Advisory Teachers HERE.
- SAVE THE DATE – DVS-PA will be sponsoring our first community building event Sunday, March 23rd from 5-8pm for DVS Parents only. More details to come soon.
- Da Vinci Science Parents Facebook Group: Join this family-facilitated Facebook group by searching “Da Vinci Science Parents” and look for a green This is Home banner to join.
- DV’s Spring Dance: “The Cupid Shuffle” Don’t miss out on a fun-filled night of music, dancing, and memories! Get your tickets early to save, and we’ll see you on the dance floor!
- When: Friday, March 7th, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, with a sensory-friendly hour from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
- Where: Da Vinci West Plaza (201 Campus)
- Ticket Information:
- Presale: $25 (available through MySchoolBucks)
- Deadline for Online Purchase: Thursday, February 6th, at 11:59 PM
- At-the-Door Price: $30 (Friday, February 7th)
- Dress Code: Semi-formal (dress up a little, but keep it comfortable!)
- Who Can Attend: Only currently enrolled Da Vinci students (grades 9-12) – no outside guests permitted
- We are using MySchoolBucks for the purchase of dance tickets and other school activities. Here are some resources you can use to set up your account, if you’ve never used it:
- Slides explaining MySchoolBucks
- Video Tutorial explaining MySchoolBucks
- Food Trucks will be at the event. Students are encouraged to bring money to purchase a meal from the food trucks. [Check out the event flyer here.]
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Wednesday, 2/5: DVS Families Coffee Time @ 5:00pm at this Zoom link
- Friday, 2/7: No School – Professional Development
- Friday, 2/7: Spring Dance
- Monday, 2/10: Community Learning Day
- Wednesday, 2/12: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting #4 at 4:15 at this Zoom link
- Friday, 2/14 Honors Contracts due
- Monday, 2/17: President’s Day Holiday, No school
- Wednesday, 2/19: DVS Parent Association Meeting 6:30 pm on campus
- Friday, 3/14: PD Day, No School
- Friday-Sunday, 3/14-3/16 FRC Los Angeles Regionals @ Da Vinci
- Monday-Thursday, 3/17-3/20: SLC week
Highlights From the Week:
Neurodiversity Week
Honors Physics-Breaking News presentation about climate change
Teletaube winners of Neurodiversity Kahoot!
El Camino Professor of Engineering and Emeritus Dean of Engineering visit Da Vinci Science for continued partnership and collaboration
Cal Poly SLO fourth-year students work with our Mechanical Engineering students on their projects
Helpful Links:
El Camino College: Spring 2025 Dual Enrollment
Hello DVS Juniors and Seniors,
This upcoming Spring semester, Da Vinci Schools is offering three dual enrollment courses.
COMS 100- Public Speaking
(Online) |
BUS 101- Introduction to Business
(Asynchronous, Online) |
HDEV 110
(Asynchronous, online) |
In this course, students will compose, present, and evaluate original speeches. Emphasis is placed on audience analysis, topic selection, research, evidence, organization, delivery, and critical analysis of persuasive communication. Students are required to attend out-of-class speaking events.
3 units Transfer CSU, UC *meets graduation requirements at most CSUs Start Date: February 18th, 2024 |
This course is a survey of organization and management factors influencing the establishment, location, and operation of businesses. This course emphasizes the functional area of accounting as well as the legal framework within which business activities are conducted. The course also emphasizes the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) in a multicultural and globalized environment.
3 units Transfer CSU, UC Start Date: February 18th, 2024 |
This course provides an exploration of cognitive, psychological, social and physical factors influencing success. Topics include personal responsibility, critical thinking, motivation, self-efficacy, lifelong learning, health and wellness, and interpersonal communication in a diverse world. Students will identify and utilize strategies and resources for success in college, careers, and life.3 units; Transfer CSU, UC
Start Date: February 18th, 2024 |
Who: Juniors and Seniors from DVC, DVD, and DVS. Based on academic performance and review. 10th grade students will need El Camino dean approval (this means students will need to email the dept. dean at El Camino directly before submitting the dual enrollment form – please see Ms. Marquez for more information).
What: College courses at Da Vinci Schools, through El Camino College. Courses meet transfer requirements for most Cal State and UC campuses, as well as some private colleges and universities.
Why: Get a start on your college credits! It looks great on your college applications.
Cost: Free! The state of California and Da Vinci Schools pick up the costs, including textbook fees. Donations to help cover the cost of the textbooks from families that can are appreciated.
Where: Classes will be held virtually on the El Camino College student portal (Canvas & MyECC).
To be eligible to take a dual enrollment class, the student will need to pass all their academic classes from first semester, have no credit recovery for A-G classes, and be a junior or senior student. Space is limited and we are accepting forms on a first come first serve basis!
For more information click on the following links:
Please complete ECC application and dual enrollment forms ASAP as the Spring term is starting soon. Please reach out to Ms. Marquez, College and Career Counselor with questions : fmarquez@davincischools.org
Week 20 Schedule
It was a very busy four-day week as students started their first week of Semester 2 Seminars. Hopefully, students are getting back into the swing of things with their full schedules. Week 20 is a full, five-day week with a “normal” schedule.
We are also looking forward to our Neurodiversity Celebration Week! The purpose of Neurodiversity Celebration Week is to celebrate how unique and diverse our brains can be. Everyone’s brain works in its special way, and there’s no one correct way to think, learn, or experience the world. We’re celebrating all the different ways people experience life, focusing on understanding disabilities like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome, and more. A special thank you to our Speech Pathologist, Lori Barrett, counselors, and the Neurodiversity Student Committee for planning this special week for our school.
Week 20 Schedule:
Week 20 Announcements:
- Parent Advisory Committee: PAC meeting #3 will be this Wednesday, 1/29 at 4:15 at this Zoom link (Topic: School Safety Plan)
- UCLA Blood Drive: Did you know that every unit of blood saves 3 lives? Sign up at this link to donate at our next Blood Drive on Friday, February 14th! Students who are 16 years old can participate, but will need to have a Parent Consent Form completed. They can get this from Mr. Besina.
- Black College Expo. DVS is going to the Black College Expo! All students are welcome! Space is limited so please see Ms. Marquez ASAP for permission slip.
When: Saturday February 1st.
Time: Leaving DVS at 9am, returning 1:45pm
Location: SoFi Stadium
Cost: Transportation provided - Da Vinci Schools Surveys: Parents/guardians and students, you should have received an email from Kelvin Education during the first week of November with a survey link to provide feedback. Please look in your inbox for “Kelvin Education” to fill out the survey. Surveys close on January 31st.
- Honors work is available for many courses at DVS. Most honors courses are not a separate period but are integrated into the regular coursework. This could look like additional assignments and projects or the requirement to demonstrate higher levels of mastery and understanding. Below is the timeline for the Spring 2025 semester:
- Launch Week: Week 20 (1/27-1/31)
- Contracts due: Week 22 – Friday, 2/14
- Commitment Deadline: Week 27 – Friday, 3/21
- Specific honors requirements for each course can be found in this Honors Programs & Contracts doc. Contract links will be updated after the Honors Launch week.
- Da Vinci Science Parents Facebook Group: Join this family-facilitated Facebook group by searching “Da Vinci Science Parents” and look for a green This is Home banner to join.
- From DVS – Parent Association (DVS-PA): Thank you to those who came out to our DVS PA meeting this week, it was to spend some quality time with fellow DVS Parents. We covered a lot at the DVS-PA meeting. You can find meeting notes HERE.
- Advisory Fundraiser: We are still sponsoring our fundraiser for Advisory with hopes of distributing gift cards to Advisory teachers mid semester. Please consider donating a gift card in any amount to places like Target, Amazon, Trader Joes, etc. by sending it to DVSappreciation@gmail.com. You can make a tax-deductible monetary donation at https://davincischools.networkforgood.com/. Select 07 – DaVinci Science AND write “DVS PA Advisory Fundraiser” as the “Note for Donor Scroll.” Learn more about Advisory and why DVS-PA is fundraising for Advisory Teachers HERE.
- SAVE THE DATE – DVS-PA will be sponsoring our first community building event Sunday, March 23rd from 5-8pm for DVS Parents only. More details to come soon.
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Wednesday, 2/5: DVS Families Coffee Time @ 5:00pm at this Zoom link
- Friday, 2/7: No School – Professional Development
- Friday, 2/7: Spring Dance
- Monday, 2/10: Community Learning Day
- Wednesday, 2/12: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting #4 at 4:15 at this Zoom link
- Friday, 2/14 Honors Contracts due
- Monday, 2/17: President’s Day Holiday, No school
Helpful Links:
Some Highlights from the Week:
TeleBees Musical Madness and Advanced Physics collecting data for Things Rampin Up! Energy Lab
Advanced Physics Energy Escape Room
DVS is Going to the Black College Expo on Saturday, February 1, 2025
Good afternoon DVS families,
On Saturday, February 1st DVS will take students to the HBCU Black College Expo held at SoFi Stadium. ALL DVS students are welcome to attend! The Expo will host a variety of colleges: public, private, independent, military, and trade schools. Some colleges will accept seniors for admission, waive college application fees and give away scholarships on the spot! Other highlights include a pre-show before the Honda Battle of the Bands, featuring 6 different HBCU marching bands. DVS will be attending the College Expo portion only; the Battle of Bands is a separate, ticketed event after the College Expo.
Admission is free and transportation is provided. We will depart from 201 N. Douglas promptly at 9:00am and return at 1:45pm. Students must bring their own lunch or bring money to purchase food.
We only have a limited number of spots available and spots are on a first-come, first serve basis.
If interested in attending, please complete this field trip permission slip. Permission slips are due by Wednesday, January 29th at 3:30pm to Ms. Marquez or until all spots are filled.
Please reach out to Ms. Marquez, College and Career Counselor, with any questions.
Week 19 Schedule
It’s hard to believe that this was only our first week back from break, but the students did a great job jumping back into the swing of things with full schedules, new learnings, and positive Advisory and Grade Level time. This week was also a special opportunity for our DV community to come together and support victims impacted by the LA fires. Together, 2,012 lunches, water bottles, snacks, and household items were provided to those in need. Many thanks to our students and families who have come together to support wildfire relief!
There is no school on Monday, January 20th, in honor of Martin Luther King Holiday. We are grateful for his pivotal role in the civil rights movement and his legacy for equality, justice, and nonviolence.
Week 19 Schedule:
Week 19 Announcements:
- Parent Association: We’re excited to have our January meeting in person and on campus at 6:30 pm this coming Wed, Jan 22nd. Join us to reconnect or connect for the first time and make some decisions about our projects for this semester, including our first community-building event coming up in March!
- Da Vinci Schools Surveys: We value your voice and input. Parents/guardians and students, you should have received an email from Kelvin Education during the first week of November with a survey link to provide feedback. Please look in your inbox for “Kelvin Education” to complete the survey. Students will see a dog icon on their DV Google accounts in the Chrome browser when the surveys are ready to be taken. Thank you for taking the time to provide this valuable feedback. Surveys close on January 31st.
- Seminars: Students had the opportunity to select their seminars for semester 2 this week. Seminars will begin next week on Tuesday, 1/21, and students will receive their printed schedules in advisory that afternoon.
- Neurodiversity Celebration Week: 1/27-1/31
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, 1/20: No School – MLK Jr. Day
- Wednesday, 1/22: DVS Parent Association meeting at 6:30
- Wednesday, 1/29: Parent Advisory Committee meeting at 4:15
- Friday, 2/7: No School – Professional Development
- Friday, 2/7: Spring Dance
- Monday, 2/10: Community Learning Day
- Monday, 2/17: President’s Day Holiday, No school
Some Highlights from the Week:
Team 12 gave awards during Grade Level Time this week. Congrats and great job to our award winners!
Sy Surfers joined the Da Vinci community efforts to make lunches for workers and victims of LA fires
Calculus students take data on a ball rolling down a ramp to experiment with instantaneous velocity
World History students renegotiating the terms of the Berlin Conference in an intro activity for Imperialism Project
Helpful Links:
Rivet School virtual information session
Rivet School invites you to join our virtual information session on Wednesday, January 22nd at 6:00 pm.
Date: Wednesday, January 22nd at 6:00 pm
Location: Virtual Session (details provided upon RSVP)
Link to RSVP: HERE
In partnership with Da Vinci Schools, our Rivet School Bridge Program offers a supportive and free college and career experience. Da Vinci Seniors who choose to pursue their bachelor’s degree through Rivet School will enroll at no cost to the student or their family.
Why Rivet School?
- 1:1 Support: We understand the unique needs of students and provide flexibility with structured accountability.
- Affordable College Pathway: Students partnering with Rivet School through DaVinci Schools enjoy a cost-free college experience.
- Designed for Success: Our program is crafted to guide students seamlessly toward graduation and future career success.
Curious if Rivet School is the right fit for your student? RSVP for our upcoming info session to meet our Rivet School College Coach, and discover more about the program and how it can shape a brighter future for your senior.
FAFSA Friday Workshop Series Continues
Hello senior families! A reminder that the “FAFSA Fridays Workshop Series” continues with a workshop THIS, Friday, January 17th from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Da Vinci Communications (DVC) in Room 3203 . Please see flyer below for details. Please use the QR Code to register or you can register here for upcoming workshops. Participants should register for ONE workshop as all workshops will cover the same material.
Week 18 Schedule
Happy New Year, DVS Families,
We hope that the new year finds you healthy and safe. We are excited to welcome our students back to campus on Monday, 1/13! Classes begin at 8:50am. Students will start the day in their Advisory classes.
Our hearts go out to all of those in our community who have been affected by the ongoing wildfires in LA. We are committed to helping our community navigate this challenging time. Please see this Resources Regarding Wildfires document for resources to support those affected by the wildfires and preparedness resources.
Please also note the Central Office email regarding the PowerSchool Cyber security incident. This email was sent Friday, January 10, at approx. 3:35 pm. PowerSchool is working earnestly to protect student and staff data.
Week 18 Schedule:
Week 18 announcements:
- DVS Family Coffee Time: This month’s DVS Families Coffee Time will be held on Wednesday, January 15th, from 4:15-5:15. Topic: Teenage Mental Health & Wellness. Join us in-person at DVS or use this Zoom link.
- Seminars: Students will be asked to select Semester 2 seminars on Monday, 1/13, during Advisory. Students have the opportunity to request a seminar change or pick a new seminar if their seminar is not yearlong.
- FAFSA Friday Workshop Series for Senior Families are held on the DV Communications (DVC) floor in Room 3203 and is open to all Da Vinci Schools senior families. Participants should register here for ONE of the following dates as all workshops will cover the same material. See more information on this post on our blog. There are two more workshop dates:
- Friday, January 17th, 2025 (6-7:30 p.m.)
- Friday, February 7th, 2025 (6-7:30 p.m.)
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, 1/13: School Resumes & Semester 2 Begins
- Wednesday, 1/15: DVS Families Coffee Time 4:15. Topic: Teenage Mental Health & Wellness
- Monday, 1/20: No School – MLK Jr. Day
- Wednesday, 1/22: DVS Parent Association meeting 6:30-7:30, DVS Campus
- Wednesday, 1/29: Parent Advisory Committee meeting at 4:15
- Friday, 2/7: No School – Professional Development
- Friday, 2/7: Spring Dance
- Monday, 2/10: Community Learning Day
Helpful Links: