Archive for Author Grace Long

Week 9 Wrap-Up & Week 10 Preview

We hope students enjoyed the day off with PD day at home while teachers and staff engaged in professional development. Students had a blast at Phantom Formal last night, and it was great to see students having fun together with other Da Vinci schools as well! 

This past week, the whole school enjoyed celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month during our CD and we had amazing performances from students and staff! The students also did an amazing job on SAT/PSAT School Day. We are proud of all students for taking advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate their abilities, practice their test-taking skills, and enact their testing stamina. 9th and 11th grade students participated in Kaiser Permanente’s Ghosted mental health resilience program through a play on Monday, October 9th, and a virtual workshop on Wednesday, October 11th. The hope is for students to develop mental health awareness, resilience, and healthy coping strategies. 

Announcements for Week 10 (10/16-10/20)

  • Fall Surveys: We value your voice and input. Parents/guardians and students, you should have received an email from Kelvin Education with a survey link to provide feedback.
  • Student Led Conferences are this week, 10/16-10/19. SLC information has been shared with students, and families should have received an email from teachers during Week 8. Please contact your student’s grade level teachers for specific scheduling questions or email Liz at if you did not receive the SLC info email from your teachers.
  • Emergency Drills: Students will be participating in a 201 N. Douglas campus-wide fire drill on Monday, October 16th and in the Great California Shakeout, a California-wide earthquake drill on Thursday, October 19th. DVS families, please use this time to discuss emergency preparedness and review your family’s emergency plan.
  • 10th Grade College Field Trips: 10th-grade students will be taking field trips to CSU Long Beach or Cal Poly Pomona on Monday, 10/23. Students received permission slips and info about the field trip in Targeted Support. 
    • 9th Grade Substance Use Prevention Assembly: On Monday, 10/23 9th grade students will participate in a Substance Abuse Prevention Assembly by the LA County Office of Education. 10/23-10/27 is also Red Ribbon Week. More info coming soon.
  • Substance Abuse Presentation for Parents/Guardians next Tuesday, 10/24. You are welcome to join us Tuesday, October 24th at 6:30pm in person or on zoom for a parent workshop on Substance Abuse Prevention featuring LA County Dept of Public Health Substance Abuse Counselor Steve Cagle. Learn about health and social impacts of substance use, what to look for with your own child, how to intervene when you have concerns and additional resources and support available. Located at 201 N Douglas Street. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to Emily Green at

Week 10  Schedule (10/16-10/20)

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday-Thursday, 10/16-10:19: Student-Led Conferences
  • Monday, 10/23: 10th Grade Field Trips to CSULB or Cal Poly Pomona
  • Monday, 10/23: 9th Grade Substance Abuse Prevention Assembly
  • Tuesday, 10/24: Parent Substance Abuse Awareness Session 6:30-7:45 pm
  • Wednesday, 10/25: LAX Aviation Day Field Trip (for students who sign up)
  • Wednesday, 11/1: DVS Families Coffee Time at 4:15pm at DVS
  • Friday, 11/3: Cal Poly SLO Field Trip (interested seniors, SWE, Advanced Physics)
  • Thursday, 11/9: No School for Students, PD Day
  • Friday, 11/10: No School, Veterans Day 
  • Monday-Friday, 11/20-11/24 Thanksgiving Break 

Hispanic Heritage Month CD

Week 8 Wrap-up and Week 9 Preview

We hope everyone had a great week. The Da Vinci Robotics Team, The Vitruvian Bots, will be hosting LA Showdown this weekend at the 201 campus. This is a great community event and all are welcome to attend!

Although it is a shorter week, we have a very busy and eventful week. There is no school on Friday, October 13th due to professional development day. As coursework picks up, we encourage students to attend Office Hours in the morning to receive extra support from their teachers.

Announcements for Week 9 (10/9-10/13)

  • SAT/PSAT School Day: Wednesday, October 11th is SAT/PSAT School Day! Please help your student prepare by getting ample rest, eating a good breakfast, and being at school on time. Students who arrive after testing has begun will not be able to test per the CollegeBoard policies.
  • Kaiser RISE: 9th and 11th grade students will be participating in a two-part mental health and resilience program provided through Kaiser Permanente’s Thriving School Resilience in Schools Environment (RISE) initiative next week. They will be audience members for a play called “Ghosted” on Monday, October 11th and will participate in a virtual workshop on Wednesday, October 13th. Find out more about “Ghosted” and RISE here.
  • Student-led conferences will be held Week 10, 10/16-10/19. SLC information has been shared with students, and families should have received an email from teachers. Please contact your student’s grade level teachers for specific scheduling questions or email Liz at if you did not receive the SLC info email from your teachers.

Week 9 Schedule (10/9-10/13):

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Wednesday, 10/11: SAT/PSAT School Day 
  • Friday, 10/13: PD Day, No School for students
  • Monday-Thursday, 10/16-10:19: Student-Led Conferences
  • Thursday, 11/9: No School for Students, PD Day
  • Friday, 11/10: No School, Veterans Day 


Week 7 Wrap-up & Week 8 Preview

There is always a lot happening at DVS so we thank you for reading these long blog posts and hope you find the information helpful. 

We had a great turnout for our college planning meetings. Thank you to all the students and families who came to attend, and a big shout out to our school counselors for providing such valuable information and resources. The slides from the college planning meetings are posted on the blog under resources.

Announcements for Week 8 (10/2-10/6)

  • DVS Families Coffee Time: Our second DVS Families Coffee Time is this coming Wednesday, October 4th from 4:15-5:15. This will be an in-person in the DVS Galileo Room. The purpose of this time is to build connection, community, and communication about what’s happening at DVS!  We hope to have parents and students from all grade levels.  
  • Student Led Conferences will be held Week 10, 10/16-10/19. Please be on the lookout for SLC times and information pushed out by Grade Level teachers. 
  • Parent Advisory Committee (PAC): The Parent Advisory Committee replaces the School Site Council (SSC) but serves a similar purpose. If you are interested in participating in the Parent Advisory Committee, please complete this interest form. PAC is an opportunity for parents, students, & staff to work collaboratively to:
    • review the school program,
    • review data and identify needs, &
    • make recommendations regarding the School Safety Plan & the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). 
  • DVS Exhibition Night will be held in the Spring on March 26th for all grades, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. This year, we are opting to have the whole school together on one night.
  • Physicists and Female Engineer Guest Speakers Wanted: The DVS Advanced Physics class and Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is looking for parents/guardians to be guest speakers. If you are a female engineer or have a career related to physics, please email Dr. Jamie Taube at
  • 12th Grade College Planning Meeting: Our counselors and College Career and Life teacher will be hosting a 12th grade college planning meeting on Thursday, October 5th from 5:30-6:30pm on the DVS floor. All DVS students and families are invited to attend!
  • DVS Parent/Teacher/Student Organization (PTSO): If you are interested in being a part of the DVS PTSO, please fill out this interest form. The DVS PTSO is a newly formed parent group designed to help support a positive school culture by supporting and planning school events and supporting grade level teachers. We are looking for parent support for all grade levels, Class of 2024, Class of 2025, Class of 2026, and Class of 2027.  
  • SAT/PSAT School Day: Wednesday, October 11th is SAT/PSAT School Day at Da Vinci Science. All DVS students will be taking the PSAT or SAT on the Da Vinci Science campus on this day. Students received more information about the PSAT or SAT during Targeted Support on Wednesday, 9/27 and additional preparatory materials were posted on Canvas. 
  • Student Photos: are now available! Thank you to our amazing photographer, Stacee Lianna. Photos have been uploaded to SmugMug for families. Everything is available for purchase here: 
  • School Dance: Phantom Formal will be held Friday, October 13th! The event will be with all DV Schools and will take place on campus. 6:00-9:00pm. Tickets can be purchased through My School Bucks here.

Week 8 Schedule (10/2-10/6):

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, 10/2: 12th Grade College Field Trip to UCLA or UC Irvine
  • Wednesday, 10/4: DVS Families Coffee Time 4:15-5:15 pm
  • Wednesday, 10/11: SAT/PSAT School Day 
  • Friday, 10/13: School Dance, Phantom Formal
  • Friday, 10/13: PD Day, No School for students
  • Monday-Thursday, 10/16-10:19: Student Led Conferences
  • Thursday, 11/9: No School for Students, PD Day
  • Friday, 11/10: No School, Veterans Day


Pickleball Seminar:

Fabrication Lab Seminar:

College Info. Session:


Week 6 Wrap-up & Week 7

We had another smooth week at DVS! Our students and teachers are very busy as clubs and seminars are now running in full force and project cycles continue. 

Announcements for Week 7 (9/25-9/29)

  • Physicists and Female Engineer Guest Speakers Wanted: The DVS Advanced Physics class and Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is looking for parents/guardians to be guest speakers. If you are a female engineer or have a career related to physics, please email Dr. Jamie Taube at
  • College Planning Meetings: Our college and career counselor, Ms. Francisca Marquez, will be hosting grade-level specific College Planning Meetings. These meetings will be on the DVS campus. All DVS students and families are invited to attend!
    • 9th Grade: Tuesday, September 26th at 5pm
    • 10th Grade: Wednesday, September 27th at 5pm
    • 11th Grade: Thursday, September 28th at 5pm
    • 12th Grade: Thursday, October 5th at 5:30pm
  • College Field Trips: All students will be taking a field trip to visit a college campus this year with their grade-level. Seniors will be first to go on Monday, October 2nd, and will be visiting UCLA or UC Irvine. More information about the field trip will be announced to seniors next week.
  • DVS Parent/Teacher/Student Organization (PTSO): If you are interested in being a part of the DVS PTSO, please fill out this interest form. PTSO is a parent, student, teacher community group that will work together to:
    • Plan events and activities to build a positive school community
    • Think of ways to support students and staff
    • Communicate about ways to keep families engaged and connected
  • SAT/PSAT School Day: Wednesday, October 11th is SAT/PSAT School Day at Da Vinci Science. All DVS students will be taking the PSAT or SAT on the Da Vinci Science campus on this day. This is paid for by the school and free for DVS students. See below for which test will be administered to each grade level. More info about the day (schedule, etc.) will be released closer to the date. 
    • 9th Grade: PSAT 8/9 (online test)
    • 10th Grade: PSAT/NMSQT (online test)
    • 11th Grade: PSAT/NMSQT (online test)
    • 12th Grade: SAT (paper test)
  • DVS Exhibition Night will be held on March 26th for all grades, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. This year we are opting to have the whole school together on one night.
  • Performing Arts Survey Da Vinci School is looking for your thoughts and interests in regards to expanding the performing arts program. Please provide your input by filling out this Performing Arts Survey.
  • Student Led Conferences will be held Week 10, 10/16-10/19. SLCs are a time when students and parents have the opportunity to connect with each other and with grade-level teachers about how students are progressing in their courses. 
  • Parent Advisory Committee (PAC): The Parent Advisory Committee replaces the School Site Council (SSC) but serves a similar purpose. If you are interested in participating in the Parent Advisory Committee, please complete this interest form. There will be no elections held (as was necessary for the School Site Council), but instead, it is important that we have a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) that represents the demographics of our school. If you have any questions, please contact Grace Long, Principal, PAC is an opportunity for parents, students, & staff to work collaboratively to:
    • review the school program,
    • review data and identify needs, &
    • make recommendations regarding the School Safety Plan & the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). 

Ongoing Reminders:

  • 9th Grade Families Remind: If you are a 9th grade parent/guardian and have not already, don’t forget to join the 9th Grade Families Remind by texting @dvsfamily to 81010 or use the join code @dvsfamily on the Remind app to stay connected and in-the-loop.
  • After-School Study Skills: DVS Academic Coaches provide free academic support after school Monday-Thursday 4:00pm-4:30pm. If students would like a space to do work or a DVS staff member to check in with, they can drop by the Robinson Room, no appointment needed! 
  • Attendance Reporting: We encourage students to be in attendance as often as possible to maximize their learning experience. However, if students must be absent, late, or leave early, please use this Attendance Reporting Form. Students leaving early will need to be signed out by their parent/guardian even after submission of the form.

Week 7 Schedule (9/25-9/29):

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Tuesday, 9/26 9th Grade College Planning Meeting 5pm
  • Wednesday, 9/27: 10th Grade College Planning Meeting 5pm
  • Thursday, 9/28: 11th Grade College Planning Meeting 5pm
  • Monday, 10/2: 12th Grade College Field Trip to UCLA or UC Irvine
  • Wednesday, 10/4: DVS Families Coffee Time 4:15-5:15 pm
  • Wednesday, 10/11: SAT/PSAT School Day 
  • Friday, 10/13: PD Day, No School for students
  • Monday-Thursday, 10/16-10:19: Student Led Conferences

Week 4 Wrap-up & Week 5 Preview

This past week, students had the opportunity to explore and sign up for a variety of student-led clubs during the Club Fair this past  Thursday, September 7th! Clubs are a great way for students to find communities with similar interests and passions. You can find the list of clubs and their meeting times here. We are grateful to our student leaders and staff advisors for making this possible.

We also had our first DVS Families Coffee Time this past Wednesday. It was great to meet parents and families to build community together. Thank you, parents, students, and teachers for joining us! DVS Families Coffee Time will be held on the first Wednesday of every month. The next meeting will be Wednesday, Oct. 4th, from 4:15-5:15. If you are interested in joining a newly formed group called DVS PTSO (Parent/Teacher/Student/Organization), please fill out this interest form: DVS PTSO Interest Form

It was also exciting to see students engaged in real-world learning! Thank you, Gensler, for sending professional architects to come work with our CEA students!

Announcements for Week 5 (9/11-9/15)

  • No school for students on Friday, 9/15 due to Professional Development Day for staff. Week 5 will be another 4-day week. Please note the special schedule. Things to note:
    • Wed. Seminar is on Monday
    • CD on Wednesday – Community Dialogue (CD) is a celebratory, whole-school gathering
    • Late lunch (1:10-1:40) on Wednesday- bring a healthy snack
  • Grand Ave Drop Off: Da Vinci Schools has been piloting an alternative drop-off area on Grand Ave., and DVS will be able to take part in it for two weeks from September 11th to September 22nd. DVS office manager, Liz Diaz, has emailed parents/guardians specific instructions.
  • SAT/PSAT School Day: Wednesday, October 11th is SAT/PSAT School Day at Da Vinci Science. All DVS students will be taking the PSAT or SAT on the Da Vinci Science campus on this day. This is paid for by the school and free for DVS students. See below for which test will be administered to each grade level. More info about the day (schedule, etc.) will be released closer to the date. 
    • 9th Grade: PSAT 8/9 (online test)
    • 10th Grade: PSAT/NMSQT (online test)
    • 11th Grade: PSAT/NMSQT (online test)
    • 12th Grade: SAT (paper test)
    • Some important information to keep in mind regarding SAT/PSATs:
      • UC and CSUs are test-blind, meaning SAT/PSAT scores are no longer utilized as part of the admissions process. 
      • Some private schools still do use the SAT/PSAT as part of their admissions process.
      • Some scholarships and awards may still use SAT/PSAT as a qualifier.
      • Starting Spring 2024, the SAT will also only be offered online, but it will be offered as a paper test on Oct. 11th, our SAT School Day. 
      • If your student is a 9th, 10th, or 11th-grade student and is interested in taking the SAT instead of the PSAT 8/9 or PSAT/NMSQT, please reach out to Saya ( by Tuesday, September 12th, 2023. There are considerations for that option that we should discuss (such as the PSAT/NMSQT being the initial screening exam for the National Merit Scholarship) before moving forward.
      • Students can also register and pay on their own to take the SAT on their own through the College Board at this website to take the SAT outside of the SAT School Day.
  • After-School Study Skills: DVS Academic Coaches provide free academic support after school Monday-Thursday 4:00pm-4:30pm. If students would like a space to do work or a DVS staff member to check in with, they can drop by the Robinson Room, no appointment needed! 
  • Honors: Honors criteria and options are being communicated through teachers in class and Canvas. Students should have the information they need by the end of Week 5 (Friday, 9/15) to fill out this Honors Sign-Up Form by Friday, 9/22 to indicate in which classes they wish to attempt honors.
  • Canvas: All coursework and grading information will continue to be through Canvas. 
  • Attendance Reporting: We still encourage students to be in attendance as often as possible to maximize their learning experience. A friendly reminder to use this Attendance Reporting Form to let us know when your student will be absent, late, or leaving early. Students leaving early will need to be signed out by their parent/guardian even after submission of the form.

Week 5 Schedule (9/11-9/15):

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday, 9/15: Professional Development (PD) Day – No School
  • Wednesday, 10/5 DVS Families Coffee Time 4:15-5:15 pm
  • Wednesday, 10/11 PSAT/SAT School Day 

A few highlights from this week:

Week 4 Schedule

Happy Friday! We had a great and busy week. It has been a joy to see students immersed in their learning environment and getting into the swing of things. The school year is off to a great start! As usual, there is a lot happening as we continue to launch programs.

In honor of Labor Day, there will be no school on Monday, 9/4. We wish everyone a great Labor Day weekend! 

Please note we have a different schedule for Weeks 4 and 5. Week 5 is also a 4-day week for students due to Friday, 9/15 being a PD Day. You can see all weekly schedules for the 2023-2024 school year here. Please note that schedules are subject to change.

  • DVS Families Coffee Time: We will be having a casual coffee time with parents, guardians, students, and staff once a month on the first Wednesday of the month. These will be held in person or you can zoom in (use this link: We will have our first DVS Families Coffee Time this Wednesday, 9/6, from 4:15-5:15 in the Galileo Room. This meeting’s focus will be on “Getting to Know You.”
  • Seminars: This was the first week of seminars! This semester, students were given a myriad of options including Jiu Jitsu, Yearbook, Breaking into the Music Business, Tabletop Strategy, and Fundamentals of Web Design. See the complete list of seminars in this Seminar Descriptions & Status doc. Students can request seminar changes up to Wednesday, 9/6 through the Seminar Change Request Form.
  • Clubs Fair: Student leaders have been busy at work planning for the Club Fair, which will happen during Advisory and lunch next week, Thursday, September 7th. Clubs are a great way for students to find communities with similar interests and passions.
  • Attendance Reporting: A friendly reminder to use this Attendance Reporting Form to let us know when your student will be absent, late, or leaving early. Students leaving early will need to be signed out by their parent/guardian even upon submission of the form.
  • Canvas: All coursework and grading information will continue to be through Canvas. 
  • Honors: Honors criteria and options are being communicated through teachers in class and Canvas. Students should have the information they need by the end of Week 5 (Friday, 9/15) to fill out this Honors Sign-Up Form by Friday, 9/22 to indicate in which classes they wish to attempt honors.
  • Measures of Academic Performance (MAP) Testing: 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students have been taking English and Math MAP assessments in their English and Social Studies classes and will continue to do so during the first weeks in September. The results of these assessments will provide valuable information regarding student performance and college readiness in order for our staff to support students more effectively throughout their time at DVS.
  • Grand Drop Off: For two weeks at a time, Da Vinci Schools will be piloting an alternative drop-off area on Grand Ave. DVS parents will get a chance to take part on 9/11-9/22
  • Breakfast & Lunch Menu: Check next week’s menu here!

Week 4 Schedule (9/4-9/8):

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, 9/4: Labor Day – No School
  • Wednesday, 9/6: DVS Families Coffee Time 4:15-5:15 pm in Galileo Room
  • Friday, 9/15: Professional Development (PD) Day – No School
  • Wednesday, 10/11 PSAT/SAT School Day 

Students Enjoying Seminars

Week 3 Schedule

We had an amazing Week 2 that culminated with an amazing Class of 2027 Freshmen Overnighter! It was a great time to set the tone for a positive, welcoming, and inclusive school culture. We engaged in discussions around embracing our individual stories and accepting and welcoming the stories of others to build our school community and we also had a lot of fun!  We hope all of our students continue to have a positive experience for all four years of high school at DVS. Freshmen overnighter pictures can be found here.

  • Measures of Academic Performance (MAP) Testing: 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will be taking English and Math MAP assessments in their English and Social Studies classes during the first couple of weeks in September. The results of these assessments will provide valuable information regarding student performance and college readiness in order for our staff to support students more effectively throughout their time at DVS.
  • Seminars will begin next week! Students signed up for their seminar choices this week. Here is the list of the Seminar choices for Semester 1. Please note that PowerSchool has been turned off, in order to process seminar requests and build student seminar schedules. Students will be able to request seminar changes once they receive their schedules next week. 
  • LA Metro’s GoPass Program: Da Vinci Schools is participating in LA Metro’s GoPass Program again this year! This means each DVS student can receive a FREE Metrocard that, once activated, will allow them to ride on the Metro for FREE until June 30, 2024. Students can pick up a card and instructions to activate their card from Summer Munoz ( at the DVS Front Desk. Here is more information on the GoPass Program if you are interested.

Week 3 Schedule:

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Tuesday, 8/29: First Day of Seminars
  • Monday, 9/4: Labor Day – No School
  • Friday, 9/15: Professional Development (PD) Day – No School
  • Wednesday, 10/11 PSAT/SAT School Day 


Week 1 Wrap Up!

We had a wonderful first week of school! Students and staff are getting settled and having fun getting to know their peers and their teachers and counselors. Thank you for your patience as students and staff are settling into their schedules and routines. We have really enjoyed getting to know our new and returning DVS family members!

  • 9th Grade Overnighter is next week! 9th grade students will be leaving on the morning of Thursday, August 24th and returning around 3pm on Friday, August 25th. If your 9th grade student has not yet, please make sure to submit permission forms to their English teacher, Jessi Snyder ASAP!
  • Measures of Academic Performance (MAP) Testing: 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will be taking English and Math MAP assessments in their English and Social Studies classes during the first two weeks of September. The results of these assessments will provide valuable information regarding student performance and college readiness in order for our staff to support students more effectively throughout their time at DVS.
  • Seminars will begin Week 3. Students signed up for their seminar choices this week. Here is the list of the Seminar choices for Semester 1. Please note that PowerSchool will be turned off starting Tuesday, August 22nd, in order to allow admin and counselors time to process seminar requests and build student seminar schedules. Students will be able to request seminar changes once they receive their schedules next week. We appreciate your patience.
  • LA Metro’s GoPass Program: Da Vinci Schools is participating in LA Metro’s GoPass Program again this year! This means each DVS student can receive a FREE Metrocard that, once activated, will allow them to ride on the Metro for FREE until June 30, 2024. Students can pick up a card and instructions to activate their card from Summer Munoz ( at the DVS Front Desk. Here is more information on the GoPass Program if you are interested.

Week 2 Schedule:

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Thursday – Friday, 8/24-8/25: 9th Grade Overnighter
  • Monday, 9/4: Labor Day – No School
  • Friday, 9/15: Professional Development (PD) Day – No School


Welcome Back to School!

Week 1 Schedule

Welcome to a new school year at DVS! We hope all students and families had a wonderful summer and we are looking forward to a great school year.

Thank you to the students and families who attended the Welcome Orientation yesterday. Seeing you made us even more excited for the beginning of the year! Find the slides from the presentations here.

We look forward to welcoming our students to the 2023-2024 school year at 8:50am on our first day of school, Monday, August 14th. We will begin our school day with the whole school gathering outside by the lunch tables. Please meet us there! 

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday!

Week 1 Schedule:


Important Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, 8/14: First Day of School
  • Tuesday, 8/15 and Wednesday, 8/16: Student Photo Day
  • Thursday – Friday, 8/23-8/24: 9th Grade Overnighter
  • Monday, 9/4: Labor Day – No School
  • Friday, 9/15: Professional Development (PD) Day – No School

Please Save the Date!

Hello DVS Families, 

We hope everyone is enjoying summer! Please save the date for DVS Welcome Orientation on Thursday, August 10th at 5:00pm (attendance is strongly encouraged, not mandatory). More details to follow, we hope to see you there! 

For incoming Freshman students, please save the dates for Freshmen Overnighter at Camp Pondo, August 24-August 25th. More information about the Freshmen Overnighter will be provided at the Welcome Orientation on August 10th.

Enjoy the rest of summer and we look forward to welcoming you back soon, thank you!


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