Thank you for an amazing Exhibition Night! Seeing the whole school and community together celebrating student work was wonderful! From toy manufacturing to CPR training to democracy in action and poetry, to energy conservation games and Kickstarter projects, to robots, welding, and more, we are proud of all the hard work students put into their projects. Students did a great job sharing their skills and learning with the community.
We hope all DVS students and families enjoy the day off tomorrow in honor of Cesar Chavez Day and have a wonderful Spring Break. The school office will be closed during Spring Break. We hope students can get some rest and enjoy time with loved ones. School will resume on Monday, April 8th. Happy Spring Break!
Thank you for a wonderful week of SLCs! We always enjoy seeing and interacting with DVS families. Thank you for the great conversations about students’ learning and growing. We look forward to a fruitful remainder of the semester.
We also wanted to celebrate and congratulate our Vitruvian Bots. Last weekend, we had the honor of hosting FRC Los Angeles Regionals on our campus. We ended qualification rounds in rank 6, a testament to our robot performance. We were the team captains for Alliance 5 and made it to the semi-finals. The Vitruvian Bots are also very proud to report that we won the Innovation in Controls Award! Our team worked hard to ensure our robot could incorporate sensors, vision, and shoot-on-the move capabilities. Although we did not win the regional, we are very proud of all the hard work and dedication our students have put into the season. Team 4201 will continue to work together to keep learning, growing, creating, engineering, and having fun!
This week is DVS Exhibition Week! Students are excited to showcase their projects and learnings from this year. Exhibition Night will be this Tuesday, March 26th from 5:30-8:00pm. We welcome all families and community guests to celebrate with our students.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Week 29 Announcements & Reminders:
Exhibition Night: Tuesday, March 26th from 5:30pm-8:00pm! This is a whole school event- students from all grade levels are expected to attend.
Parent Association Fundraiser:The DVS Parent Association is fundraising for our advisories. You can use this link:, select Da Vinci Science, and write “DVS Advisory Fundraiser” in the notes to donate to this fundraiser.
DV Trades Fair: Da Vinci’s Real World Learning Center will be hosting a Trades Fair this coming Thursday, March 28th from 1:00-5:00. Students interested in exploring career opportunities in these fields are encouraged to attend.
11th Grade State Testing: 11th-grade students at DVS will be participating in California State Testing (SBAC and CAST) on Tuesday, 4/9 and Wednesday, 4/10. Tests will consist of English Language Arts, Math, and Science. Students can access additional practice tests at this link as a guest user. More information will be shared with students by their teachers.
9th and 10th Grade Benchmark Testing:9th and 10th grade students will be completing ELA and math standardized benchmark assessments (NWEA MAP) the week after Spring Break (Week 30). These benchmark assessments provide valuable information on student levels and growth to inform our classroom practice and supports. We encourage students to get plenty of rest, have a healthy breakfast, and to do their best.
9th grade students will be taking the tests during their English and physics classes
10th grade students will be taking the test during their World History class.
Spring Break: Spring Break will be from April 1st – April 5th. School will resume Monday, April 8th at 8:50 am. We hope students and families have a wonderful break.
Week 29 Schedule: This is a 4-day week. In honor of Cesar Chavez Day, there is no school on Friday, 3/29.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, 3/26: DVS Exhibition Night 5:30-8:00pm
Thursday, 3/28: Da Vinci Schools Trades Fair 1:00-5:00pm
Friday, 3/29: Cesar Chavez Holiday – No School
Monday-Friday, 4/1-4/5: Spring Break – No School
Monday, 4/8: 9th Grade Fulcrum Day
Monday, 4/8: Collegewise Presentation 5:00 pm
Wednesday, 4/10: DVS Families Coffee Time 4:15 pm in person or zoom
Tuesday-Wednesday, 4/9 and 4/10 – State Testing for 11th grade
Thursday, 4/12: 11th Grade College Field Trip (USC/LMU)
DVS had a super fun and action-packed week! A big thank you to our School Leadership Team for putting together our first DVS Davinchella this past Thursday. Students showcased their singing, dancing, and henna art talents, and were rockstars! Students also shared their interest in various clubs and engaged in fun activities such as dodgeball, table tennis, role-playing games, dungeon experiences, and more!
The Los Angeles Regional (LAR) First Robotics Competitionis happening now on campus! Da Vinci is proud to host this LAR event for various FRC teams around the world. Robotics students have been working very hard the past few weeks making adjustments and new additions to our robot, Forte! The event is open to the public, feel free to come cheer on our Vitruvian Bots this Saturday and Sunday (3/16 and 3/17)! We wish Team 4201 the best of luck and are proud of our team for being gracious hosts to the community. Go Bots!
We are also very proud to announce that Da Vinci Science has been recognized as a California Distinguished School for 2024! Schools were selected to demonstrate excellence and growth in academic achievement and ensure a positive school climate. Schools were selected for exceptional student performance based on achieving exemplary performance in English Language Arts (ELA) and math, reducing suspensions, and demonstrating high graduation rates. Our students and staff work continue to work hard to meet the needs of all learners for positive outcomes and engaging learning experiences. We are grateful for the continued support from our families, industry partners, and the community.
Week 28 Announcements & Reminders:
Student-Led Conferences: Spring 2024 Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) are this week! They will take place from Monday-Thursday, March 18th-21st. By now, all students should know their scheduled SLC time. During SLC week, students will be dismissed early at 2:25 pm every day. SLC Information for all Grade Levels.
Parent Association Meetings: Our next Parent Association meeting is this week, Wednesday, 3/20 at 6:15pm on the DVS floor. Parent Association meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:15pm. All are welcome, no need to sign up! Future meetings:
Wednesday, 3/20 @ 6:15pm at DVS
Wednesday, 4/17 @ 6:15pm at DVS
Wednesday, 5/15 @ 6:15pm at location TBD
Parent Association Fundraiser:The DVS Parent Association is fundraising to generate funds for our advisories. A more detailed email will be sent to all families separately.
Exhibition Night: Our Da Vinci Science Exhibition Night is Tuesday, March 26th from 5:30pm-8:00pm! Students of all grade levels will be showcasing their projects and learnings from this year. All students are expected to attend this event and all families and community guests are welcome to attend!
11th Grade State Testing: 11th-grade students at DVS will be participating in California State Testing (SBAC and CAST) on Tuesday, 4/9 and Wednesday, 4/10. Tests will consist of English Language Arts, Math, and Science. Students can access additional practice tests at this link as a guest user. More information will be shared with students by their teachers.
9th and 10th Grade Benchmark Testing:9th and 10th grade students will be completing ELA and math standardized benchmark assessments (NWEA MAP) the week after Spring Break (Week 30). These benchmark assessments provide valuable information on student levels and growth to inform our classroom practice and supports. 9th grade students will be taking the tests during their English and physics classes, whereas 10th grade students will be taking the test during their World History class. As always, we encourage students to do their best.
Peer Tutoring Available: Peer-tutoring is available at no cost for all students. If you would like to receive tutoring or give tutoring in any subject area, please sign up!Peer Tutoring Sign-Up Form. Students have been paired and will hear from their tutors this week.
Week 28 Schedule:Due to SLCs, students will be dismissed at 2:25pm every day next week.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Monday-Thursday, 3/18-3/21: Student Led Conferences
Tuesday, 3/26: DVS Exhibition Night 5:30-8:00pm
Thursday, 3/28: Da Vinci Schools Trades Fair 1:00-5:00pm
We hope everyone had a great first week of March. Students continue to make progress in their learning in their projects. Advanced Physics students enjoyed seeing physics applied in the real world during their visit to Knott’s Physics Day! Students had fun seeing how concepts such as velocity, torque, and acceleration can be applied in an amusement park setting.
A few students also challenged themselves by opting in to take the F=ma Physics Test and received their results and certificates this week. This is a nationally recognized Physics test that students can participate in and potentially qualify to join the U.S. Physics Team. It is a very challenging test and we are proud of our students for opting in to challenge themselves and engage in physics beyond the classroom!
Students in the mental health seminar also had an opportunity to visit Beach Cities AllCove. AllCove is a great resource for all students to receive free mental health support. Students had the opportunity to visit the Beach Cities location in Manhattan Beach. To learn more about this free resource, please visit:
We also thank all families for coming to college information sessions this past week and enjoyed seeing families in person and at Zoom through DVS Coffee time. We hope to see you at the next one! If you missed the college information session, the slides are posted on the blog on the resources sidebar.
Congratulations to National Merit Finalist, Josiah Fu! National Merit Finalists are recognized for their high achievement in academics and PSAT performance, top 1%. Finalists may be awarded scholarships from the National Merit Scholars program as well as from their future college. Way to go, Josiah!
Lastly, congratulations and job well done to our Vitruvian Bots! Last week, Forte, flew around the field and did extremely well scoring points with our alliance. Team 4201 was ranked 4 out of 50 teams and made it to playoff matches. It was an exciting playoff round, and although the team did not win the competition, we did win in spirit, learning, and fun. Our team was honored to receive the Gracious Professionalism Award in recognition of all the support Team 4201 gives to the community. DVS student, Natalie Wallis, also won the Dean’s Finalist Award! We are very proud of her leadership, care, and impact on the community.
We wish the Vitruvian Bots the best of luck as they gear up for LA Regionals next week! This competition will be held on our campus, March 15-March 17. Please come out and join the fun and support the Vitruvian Bots! Go Bots!
Week 27 Announcements & Reminders:
Davincella:DVS Leadership team is excited to put on our first Davinvella on Wednesday, March 13th. This event will take place during lunch and during Period 6 from 12:40-2:00. This will be a fun time for building positive school culture through performances, games, field activities, and club booths. Some items will be free and some items will be for a small cost. Thank you for supporting DVS leadership and joining in on the fun!
11th Grade College Planning Info Night: Our College and Career Counselor, Ms. Francisca Marquez, and our 11th Grade Academic Counselor, Ms. Carolyn Ruiz, will be hosting a College Planning Information Session for 11th-grade students and families on Wednesday, March 13th at 5 pm. Come learn about graduation requirements, DVS pathways, college admission criteria, types of colleges and career options, financial aid/scholarships, and more! This meeting will be held on the DVS campus. All DVS students and families are invited to attend!
Student-Led Conferences: Spring 2024 Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) are right around the corner! They will take place from Monday-Thursday, March 18th-21st. More information about SLCs has been provided by grade-level teachers through email. During SLC week, students will be dismissed early at 2:25 pm every day. SLC Information for all Grade Levels
Exhibition Night: Our Da Vinci Science Exhibition Night is Tuesday, March 26th from 5:30 pm-8:00 pm! Students of all grade levels will be showcasing their projects and learnings from this year. All students are expected to attend this event and all families and community guests are welcome to attend!
Peer Tutoring Available: Peer-tutoring is available at no cost for all students. If you would like to receive tutoring or give tutoring in any subject area, please sign up!Peer Tutoring Sign-Up Form
Parent Association Meetings: Parent Association meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:15 pm. All are welcome, no need to sign up! Future meetings:
Wednesday, 3/20 @ 6:15pm at DVS
Wednesday, 4/17 @ 6:15pm at DVS
Wednesday, 5/15 @ 6:15pm at location TBD
Week 27 Schedule: Next week is a 4-day week. There will be no school for students on Friday due to staff professional development day.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, 3/13: 11th Grade College Planning Info Night @ 5pm
Friday, 3/15: PD Day
Friday, 3/15-3/17: FRC LA Regionals @ Da Vinci Schools
Monday-Thursday, 3/18-3/21: Student Led Conferences
We are in March already! We are just about halfway through the second semester. Students continue to work through courses, projects, and assignments and enjoy real-world experiences with field trips.
DVS is excited to celebrate and honor Women’s History Month. The 2024 Women’s History Month theme established by The National Women’s History Alliance is titled: “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.” This week, our SWE (Society of Women in Engineering) students had the opportunity to celebrate Women in STEM Career Day at LA Harbor College. Students were inspired by a female software engineer from Microsoft, enjoyed STEM activities, and had lunch with industry professionals. They also heard from a panel of women with careers in electrical engineering, marine biology, and chemical engineering.
Our 12th graders also had a wonderful time together on our “Fulcrum Day.” The theme was leadership and empathy. Students enjoyed the outdoors and had the opportunity to go on a hike, challenge themselves with rock climbing, overcome their fears with a high ropes course, and work together on various team-building projects.
We also want to wish our Robotics team, the Vitruvian Bots, the best of luck as they compete in their first regional competition happening this now at Port Hueneme. Students have been working hard to design, build, assemble, program, and drive our robot named “Forte.” If you’d like to follow or cheer along at home here’s the livestream site: Go Team 4201!
Week 26 Announcements & Reminders:
College Planning Info Nights: College planning meetings will be happening this week! Our College and Career Counselor, Ms. Francisca Marquez, and our Academic Counselors, Ms. Carolyn Ruiz and Ms. Corinne Valle will be hosting grade-level specific College Planning Information Sessions. Come learn about graduation requirements, DVS pathways, college admission criteria, types of colleges and career options, financial aid/scholarships, and more! These meetings will be on the DVS campus. All DVS students and families are invited to attend! Schedule is:
9th Grade Tuesday, March 5th @ 5pm
10th Grade: Thursday, March 7th @5pm
11th Grade: Wednesday, March 13th @5pm
DVS Families Coffee Time: DVS Families Coffee Time this week! Per request, DVS Coffee Time will be held on Zoom this week.Families are still welcome to come on campus if you’d like. This will be Wednesday, March 6th from 4:15-5:15 in the DVS Galileo Room. All DVS parents/guardians, students, and staff are welcome to attend. Zoom link:
Student-Led Conferences: Spring 2024 Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) are coming up! They will take place from Monday-Thursday, March 18th-21st. More information about SLCs will be provided by grade-level teachers through email. During SLC week, students will be dismissed early at 2:25 pm every day that week. SLC Information for all Grade Levels
Exhibition Night: Our Da Vinci Science Exhibition Night is Tuesday, March 26th from 5:30pm-8:00pm! Students of all grade-levels will be showcasing their projects and learnings from this year. All students are expected to attend this event and all families and community guests are welcome to attend!
Honors Certificates: Honors certificates were passed out this week. Congratulations to the many students who received honor roll certificates, keep up the great work!
Honor roll: 3.5-3.79 Semester 1 GPA
High Honor roll: 3.8 and above Semester 1 GPA
Peer Tutoring Available:Peer-tutoring is available at no cost for all students. If you would like to receive tutoring or give tutoring in any subject area, please sign up! Peer Tutoring Sign-Up Form
Parent Association Meetings:Parent Association meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:15pm. All parents and guardians are included in the DVS Parents Association – there is nothing to formally join. All are welcome! Future meetings:
Last week was another action-packed week at DVS. Over last weekend’s President’s Day weekend, 28 Da Vinci Science students participated in the Youth & Government’s Mock Legislature and Court Conference in Sacramento. This four-day event, which drew over 2,000 students from across the state, provided a platform for young minds to debate bills, create proposals, and argue significant issues that affect our state and country.
Nick Alvarez was named Media Delegate of the Year!
Miriam Johnson was awarded Exemplary Appellate Attorney, from over 200 delegates in the program area!
Camila Gomez and her Respondent team in Appellate Court won their court case!
Awishkar Sherstha, Lucia Moreno, and Shawn Park’s budget proposal passed and signed by the Youth Governor!
Phong Nguyen, Jamie Rigor, and Chiagozie Offokansi’s separate bills were passed by both chambers in the Forum program!
Con Con delegates Audrey Miller, Ellaina Kimura, Adrian Luna, and Alex Zakrzewski were able to collect over 100 signatures and create five proposals for the California Constitution!
Sol Jordan successfully argued our Delegation’s bill in committee and ran the Queer Caucus as the Chair for the last three years!
Andrew Charney, Sofia Gallardo, and William Park’s $5 million health proposal was accepted and funded by the California Investment Bank!
All delegates worked incredibly hard, forged new friendships, and came away proud of themselves and each other. Congratulations and a job well done, Y&G!
Also this week, 12th-grade students culminated in their Government/Economics class campaigns and elections unit in a debate between the remaining three presidential candidates. Students have been preparing their platforms, campaigns, and speeches for weeks to demonstrate democracy on our campus. Congratulations to Mano Rajesh for winning the Presidential Campaign and to TJ Kidd for Vice President!
SWE (Society of Women in Engineering) and CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) classes went to AltaSea Ocean Institute in San Pedro. Students learned about various interesting projects including underwater robotics, sustainable surfboards, sustainable seafood, research with Fish and Wildlife, and kelp artists to name a few.
It was also great to see parents and families at the Parent Advisory Committee meeting this week as well as the Parent Advisory Group. We always enjoy time with our parents and families. All families are welcome to join any of those meetings.
We also hope students enjoyed the Spring Dance Friday night!
Week 25 Announcements & Reminders:
College Planning Info Nights:Our College and Career Counselor, Ms. Francisca Marquez, and our Academic Counselors, Ms. Carolyn Ruiz and Ms. Corinne Valle will be hosting grade-level specific College Planning Information Sessions. Come learn about graduation requirements, DVS pathways, college admission criteria, types of colleges and career options, financial aid/scholarships, and more! These meetings will be on the DVS campus. All DVS students and families are invited to attend! Schedule is:
9th Grade Tuesday, March 5th @ 5pm
10th Grade: Thursday, March 7th @5pm
11th Grade: Wednesday, March 13th @5pm
DVS Families Coffee Time:Our March DVS Families Coffee Time is Wednesday, March 6th from 4:15-5:15 in the DVS Galileo Room. All DVS parents/guardians, students, and staff are welcome to attend.
Student-Led Conferences:Spring 2024 Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) are coming up! They will take place from Monday-Thursday, March 18th-21st. More information about SLCs, including the schedule, will be released through grade-level teachers by the first week of March. Due to SLCs, students will be dismissed early at 2:25 pm every day that week.
Exhibition Night:Our Da Vinci Science Exhibition Night is Tuesday, March 26th from 5:30pm-8:00pm! Students of all grade-levels will be showcasing their projects and learnings from this year. All students are expected to attend this event and all families and community guests are welcome to attend!
Honors Certificates:Honors certificates will be passed out next week (there was a slight delay).
Honor roll: 3.5-3.79 Semester 1 GPA
High Honor roll: 3.8 and above Semester 1 GPA
After-School Study Skills: DVS Academic Coaches provide free academic support after school Monday-Thursday 4:00pm-4:30pm. There is now an Academic Coach dedicated to math support for all four days, including pre-calculus! Students can drop by the Robinson Room for academic support in any subject area, no appointment is needed. Please encourage students to make use of this valuable resource.
Parent Association Meetings: Parent Association meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:15pm. All parents and guardians are included in the DVS Parents Association – there is nothing to formally join. All are welcome! Future meetings:
We had a very packed and fun week this week at DVS! It was joyous to see staff and students dressed up this week to have some fun and show school spirit. We also enjoyed showing love to our students on Valentine’s Day with flowers. 11th graders had a field trip to NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) where students received lots of information and advice about various colleges and their admissions policies. We also want to wish our Youth & Government delegation a wonderful time at the Model Legislature & Court Conference in Sacramento! Thank you for representing Da Vinci Science in civic knowledge, awareness, and action!
We wish everyone a happy three-day weekend. There will be no school on Monday, 2/19, in honor of President’s Day.
Week 24 Announcements & Reminders:
Grade Updates: Grades were updated this week. All coursework and grading information will continue to be through Canvas.
Honors Certificates:honors certificates will be passed our during next week.
Honor roll: 3.5-3.79 Semester 1 GPA
High Honor roll: 3.8 and above Semester 1 GPA
After-School Study Skills: DVS Academic Coaches provide free academic support after school Monday-Thursday 4:00pm-4:30pm. There is now a Academic Coach dedicated to math support for all four days, including pre-calculus! Students can drop by the Robinson Room for academic support in any subject area, no appointment needed. Please encourage students to make use of this valuable resource.
Parent Association Meeting: The next DVS Parent Association meeting is Wednesday, February 21st at 6:15pm on the DVS floor. All parents and guardians are included in the DVS Parents Association – there is nothing to formally join. Just show up to meet other parents and help out the school on various projects whenever you are able. All are welcome!
Parent Advisory Committee:Our third Parent Advisory Committee meeting is on Wednesday, February 21st at 4pm via this Zoom link. We will send members a reminder email next week, but any parent/guardian is invited to attend.
Opt-in SAT School Day: As an opportunity for our students, DVS is hosting an additional, optional SAT School Day in April. DVS 10th and 11th-grade students can opt-in to take the SAT during this school day, free of charge, by completing this Spring 2024 DVS Opt-in SAT School Day Interest Form by Friday, February 23rd (a Da Vinci Google account is required to fill out the form). If there is a lot of interest, priority will be given to 11th-grade students. Please direct questions to DVS Assistant Principal, Saya Wai, at
Week 24 Schedule:
We love our students!
Pink on Valentine’s Day to share the love
Spirit Week: Soccer moms vs. BBQ dads
NACAC Conference:
Important Upcoming Dates:
Monday, 2/19: President’s Day – No School
Friday-Monday, 2/16-2/19: Youth & Government Conference
Monday-Thursday, 3/18-3/21: Student Led Conferences
We continue to celebrate and honor Black History Month! Students have decorated the campus and our students in BSU (Black Student Union) and NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) did a beautiful job planning and hosting CD with the whole school. It was so special to see our students perform, sing, and dance to celebrate Black history. It was also fun watching the teachers learn some dance moves and try to keep up with the students.
This week was also National School Counseling Week! We are enormously grateful to our amazing counselors, Ms. Francisca Marquez, Ms. Carolyn Ruiz, and Ms. Corinne Valle, for their dedication to supporting students through their academic, socio-emotional, and college and career planning needs. We love our counselors!
We also celebrated National Signing Day on February 7th. Congratulations to:
Arianna Caldwell: Diving, University of Iowa
Cody Evans: Volleyball, UC Merced
Jillian Silvers: Gymnastics, University of Arizona
Kennedy Crosby: Softball, Chapman University
We are so very proud of you!
Week 23 Announcements & Reminders:
Grade Updates:Grades should be up-to-date on Tuesday, 2/13. All coursework and grading information will continue to be through Canvas.
Spirit Week:Next week (2/12-2/16) is Spirit Week! We are looking forward to seeing our classrooms filled with Spirit Week fun! Please keep in mind that the DVS Dress Code still applies during Spirit Week.
Monday, 2/12: BBQ Dad vs. Soccer Mom
Tuesday, 2/13: Trendy Tuesday
Wednesday, 2/14: On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
Thursday, 2/15: Anything but a Backpack
Friday, 2/16: Iconic Duo
11th Grade NACAC Field Trip:11th-grade students will be taking a field trip to the NACAC (National Association of College Admissions and Counseling) College Fair in Pasadena next Tuesday, February 13th. We hope our juniors will take full advantage of this opportunity to meet college representatives to ask questions and gather information.
Opt-in SAT School Day:DVS is hosting an additional, optional SAT School Day in April. DVS 10th and 11th-grade students can opt-in to take the SAT during this school day, free of charge, by completing this Spring 2024 DVS Opt-in SAT School Day Interest Form by Friday, February 23rd (a Da Vinci Google account is required to fill out the form). If there is a lot of interest, priority will be given to 11th-grade students. Please direct questions to DVS Assistant Principal, Saya Wai, at
Spring Dance Rescheduled: Due to poor weather conditions forecasted this week, the Spring Dance is rescheduled for Friday, 2/23/24. For all individuals who have already purchased tickets, tickets will be valid for this new date. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact DVS’s school’s Leadership advisor, Brooke Allyn, at
Honors Sign-Up Form:Students should have the information they need to indicate which honors they will be pursuing on the Spring 2024 Honors Sign-Up Form(a Da Vinci Google account is required to fill out the form). The form is due Friday, February 16th.
Yearbook:The yearbook is available for purchase at Use the school code 19656. The current price is $50 (+$5 processing fee) but will be increased to $60 (+$5 processing fee) on March 15th. Orders will be accepted through May 16th or when the last book is sold, whichever comes first. For more information, please contact Travis Wimer, DVS Yearbook Advisor, at
Week 23 Schedule:
Important Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, 2/13: 11th Grade NACAC Field Trip
Wednesday, 2/14: ELPAC Testing
Monday, 2/19: President’s Day – No School
Friday-Monday, 2/16-2/19: Youth & Government Conference
Monday-Thursday, 3/18-3/21: Student Led Conferences
We had a great week! Students are getting settled into their learning and making progress in their projects. Next week will be a short week. Friday, 2/9 is a PD day, there will be no school for students.
Week 22 Announcements & Reminders:
DVS Families Coffee Time:Our February DVS Families Coffee Time is this coming Wednesday, February 7th from 4:15-5:15 in the DVS Galileo Room. All DVS parents/guardians, students, and staff are welcome to attend.
Spring Dance: The Parisian Garden Spring Dance will take place in the West Plaza of the 201 N. Douglas campus on February 9th from 6pm-9pm. Early bird tickets are available for purchase for $25 until 11:59pm on February 4th (after which tickets will be available for purchase for $30 until 12:00pm on February 9th). Buy tickets online at MySchoolBucks.
Honors Sign-Up Form: By the end of Week 22, students should have the information they need to indicate which honors they will be pursuing on the Spring 2024 Honors Sign-Up Form(a Da Vinci Google account is required to fill out the form). The form is due on Friday, February 16th.
Yearbook:The yearbook is available for purchase at Use the school code 19656. The current price is $50 (+$5 processing fee) but will be increased to $60 (+$5 processing fee) on March 15th. Orders will be accepted through May 16th or when the last book is sold, whichever comes first. For more information, please contact Travis Wimer, DVS Yearbook Advisor, at
Week 22 Schedule:
Important Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, 2/7: DVS Families Coffee Time @ 4:15pm in the DVS Galileo Room
Friday, 2/9: Professional Development Day – No School
Friday, 2/9: Spring Dance
Monday, 2/19: President’s Day – No School
Friday-Monday, 2/16-2/19: Youth & Government Conference
Monday-Thursday, 3/18-3/21: Student Led Conferences
Tuesday, 3/26: DVS Exhibition Night
Saturday, 4/14 Optional SAT, priority to 11th graders
We hope all DVS students and families had a great week. Students enjoyed starting their semester 2 seminars this week. It’s always fun to see students engaged in learning outside of their core classes!
Week 21 Announcements & Reminders:
FAFSA / Dream Act Workshop:We are hosting an in-person, hands-on FAFSA / Dream Act Workshop for seniors and their families on Tuesday, January 30th from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP HERE and have student and parent FSA ID created and verified before the event.This takes about 3 business days, so please plan accordingly. Please CLICK HERE to apply for an FSA ID. More information about the night can be found on our previous blog post at this link.
Spring Dance: This year’s spring dance theme is Parisian Garden! The dance will take place in the West Plaza of the 201 N. Douglas campus on February 9th from 6pm-9pm. Early bird tickets are available for purchase for $25 until 11:59pm on February 4th (after which tickets will be available for purchase for $30 until 12:00pm on February 9th). Buy tickets online at MySchoolBucks.
Honors Sign-Up Form:Honors criteria and options are being communicated through teachers in class and on Canvas. By the end of Week 22, students should have the information they need to indicate which honors they will be pursuing on the Spring 2024 Honors Sign-Up Form(a Da Vinci Google account is required to fill out the form). The form is due on Friday, February 16th.
Yearbook:The yearbook is available for purchase at Use the school code 19656. The current price is $50 (+$5 processing fee) but will be increased to $60 (+$5 processing fee) on March 15th. Orders will be accepted through May 16th or when the last book is sold, whichever comes first. For more information, please contact Travis Wimer, DVS Yearbook Advisor, at
Week 21 Schedule:
Important Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, 1/30: FAFSA/ Dream Act Workshop for Seniors
Wednesday, 2/7: DVS Families Coffee Time @ 4:15pm in the DVS Galileo Room
Friday, 2/9: Professional Development Day – No School