Week 7 Schedule
As usual, DVS had an eventful and busy week! 11th graders had an informative time at NACAC’s College Fair at the LA Convention Center. Over 1800 colleges and universities were represented, and our students had a great time asking questions and checking out different college booths. Counselors also continued to offer college planning workshops for 10th and 11th-grade students. This is the season for seniors going through the application process and all grade levels to explore and plan for post-secondary options.
Students in the Biomedical Pathway also had the opportunity to visit Loma Linda University. Students took a field trip, toured the high-tech bio simulation lab, and engaged in lectures and an interactive cadaver lab tour. Through Monday’s Blood Drive, many lives were saved through our collaboration with UCLA Health.
Clubs have officially started, and it’s been great to see students pursuing their interests and having fun together during lunch and after school.
Due to School Holiday, there will be no school this Friday, Oct. 4th.
Announcements & Reminders for Week 7:
- Community Learning Days– Our first CLD Day is coming up Oct. 11th. This week, all students were given a new student survey to fill out. The survey asks students whether they plan to plan to have their learning experience on campus or off campus. If students select the off-campus option, a CLD Off-Campus Permission Slip must be signed by parent/guardian and turned in to the Advisory teacher (students were provided a copy of this permission slip during Advisory this week). All students will need to fill out an attendance form to receive attendance credit for that day.
- College Planning Information Sessions continue into Week 7! We welcome 12th grade families on Wednesday, October 2nd. Come learn more about solidifying your college list, the college application process, financial aid applications and more! This meeting is from 5:30pm-6:30pm and held on the DVS floor. Click here to reserve your spot!
- College Rep Visits: All college rep visits happen during lunch time in Mr. Perez’s Room. Students of all grade levels (9-12) are welcome. College Rep Visits for Week 7:
- Monday, 9/30: CSU Dominguez Hills
- Tuesday, 10/1: Cal Tech
- Wednesday, 10/2: Syracuse University
- Thursday, 10/3: UC Merced
- AMC Math Competition: DVS will be administering the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 10 and 12 on Tuesday, November 12th 3pm-5pm (during seminar and after school) to those who sign up. The AMC 10/12 are both 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice examinations in high school. Find out more at this link: https://maa.org/student-programs/amc/ Interested students should sign up via this form by 9:00am on Monday, September 30th (DV Google account required). For questions, contact Saya at swai@davincischools.org.
- DVS Family Coffee Time: Every first Wednesday of the month, we will have an open “Coffee Time” where parents, guardians, and students can drop in to ask administration and staff questions and receive updates on school happenings. This week’s DVS Families Coffee Time will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd, from 4:15-5:15 using this Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/3108950461
Week 7 Schedule (9/30-10/4):
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Wednesday, 10/02: DVS Families Coffee Time @ 4:15pm
- Wednesday, 10/02: 12th Grade College Planning Info Session
- Friday, 10/04: No School – School Holiday
- Tuesday-Wednesday, 10/08-10/09: 9th Grade Overnighter @ Camp Pondo
- Friday, 10/11 Community Learning Day
- Monday, 10/14 SAT/PSAT School Day
- Monday-Thursday, 10/14-10/17 Student-Led Conferences (SLCs)
- Thursday, 10/17 Great California Shakeout @ 10:17am
- Friday, 10/18 Honors Commitment Deadline
- Friday, 11/1 PD Day, No School for students
Helpful Links:
Some Highlights from the Week:
- Macromolecule Lab in Biology Class
- World History Pandemic Team Debate Winners
- Table Tennis Club
- Unsolved Mysteries Club
- Unsolved Mysteries Club
- BioMed Pathway Loma Linda University Field Trip
- 11th Grade NACAC College Fair