DVS Leadership Update

Please see message below from Central Office:

Da Vinci Schools is pleased to announce that Saya Wai has been selected to serve as Dean of Students at Da Vinci Science. Saya will assist principal Grace Long in ensuring that Da Vinci Science continues its trajectory of success. Finding such a highly qualified school administrator in October who knows Da Vinci Science well could have been challenging, which makes this opportunity all the more impactful.


Saya is a familiar face at Da Vinci. She has been part of the Da Vinci Science family since 2015, serving as the Biomedical Engineering Pathway Coordinator teaching Principles of Biomedical Science and Medical Interventions. Saya will transition into her new role as soon as a new teacher is selected.


Saya received her B.S. in Molecular Environmental Biology from UC Berkeley and a M.A. in Teaching from USC.


We are excited to work with Saya in this new capacity

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