Da Vinci Science Leadership Update

Da Vinci Schools is pleased to announce that Grace Long has been selected to serve as the next Principal of Da Vinci Science, effective July 1, 2022. Over the past several weeks, we conducted a series of stakeholder input meetings and surveys with DVS students, families, staff and Da Vinci Board members. At these meetings and through these surveys, we gathered input on the qualities stakeholders are looking for in the next Da Vinci Science principal.

Grace has a strong track record of effective communication, collaboration, and overall accessibility. She has served as Assistant Principal at Da Vinci Science and Coordinator of the Independent Study Program since 2019. Grace has loved getting to know the students, families, staff and the community.

As Assistant Principal, Grace’s areas of focus have been on differentiated and personalized instruction using data and student inquiry, socio-emotional learning, supporting English Learners, the Honors program, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives. She has created new student support systems for all students. Additionally, she has launched new staff, student and family cohesion teams so all stakeholders are heard in issues involving school culture and policies. Grace looks forward to continuing to expand real-world learning and skill development opportunities for students, and supporting students as they learn how to apply their capabilities to pursue their college and career goals.

Grace has more than 20 years of public education experience. Prior to joining Da Vinci, she worked for the El Segundo Unified School District and Lawndale Elementary School District. She has served in various roles in elementary and secondary schools as a teacher, language arts specialist, instructional coach, and administrator.

Grace received her B.A. and M.A. degrees in Sociology and Education from UCLA. She is a published author for Scholastic, and provides professional development and consulting services to various districts across the state.

We are excited to work with Grace in her new capacity. Before she begins her new role on July 1, 2022, one of her first tasks will be to begin an immediate search with our team for an assistant principal at Da Vinci Science.

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