Archive for March 21, 2023

Preparing Your Student For Their Future with Dr. Vince Bertram – RSVP today!

Join us for an upcoming seminar with Dr. Vince Bertram, a renowned international speaker, and New York Times best-selling author dedicated to transforming career learning for students worldwide. Discover how to prepare your student for success in work and life by learning about the value of a college education, skills that matter more than a degree, and the outlook for today’s job market. Space is limited. RSVP here to reserve your spot today!

10th Grade College Planning Meeting Tonight, 3/21

Hello DVS Families!  Thank you to all the freshman families who joined us last night.  We welcome sophomore families to join us tonight from 5pm-6pm for the 10th Grade College Planning meeting.

Please use the following link to join the meeting: or use Meeting ID: 9301907728


We encourage all students and parents/guardians to attend!  All meeting recordings will be posted to the DVS Blog at the end of the week. We hope to see you there!


Spring College Planning Meetings Week!

Hello DVS Families!  Please join us THIS WEEK for the Spring Semester Grade Level College Planning Meetings:


9th Grade: Monday, March 20th at 5pm-6pm

10th Grade: Tuesday, March 21st at 5pm-6pm

11th Grdade: Thursday, March 23rd at 5pm-6pm


All meetings will be on Zoom: or use Meeting ID: 9301907728


We encourage all students and parents/guardians to attend!  All meeting recordings will be posted to the DVS Blog at the end of the week. We hope to see you there!


Week 28 Schedule

We hope SLCs this week provided the opportunity for meaningful reflections and conversations. We appreciated the opportunity to meet families in person or on Zoom. 

Team 4201 is charging it up again this weekend at the LA Regional Competition hosted by Da Vinci Schools. We are excited to see them in action on our campus!

  • Spring 2023 Da Vinci Schools Experience Surveys: Your feedback is valuable to us. Please take a moment to complete this semester’s experience surveys.
  • Calling Diabetes Guest Speakers: This year, seniors in the DVS Biomedical Pathway are finishing out their semester with a Design Project on Diabetes (type 1 and 2). Their mission is to use the design process to identify a diabetes-related problem and come up with a subsequent solution. As part of the design process, students will be interviewing individuals who have experiences with diabetes in order to develop empathy and a fuller understanding of diabetes. These individuals can be patients, family/friends, researchers, or medical professionals. These interviews will take place after Spring Break. If you or someone you know may be interested in being a part of this process, please let Saya know at
  • Da Vinci Schools CARnival: Da Vinci Schools will be hosting our 2nd annual CARnival on Saturday, March 25th 10am-5pm! This fun day of games, food, entertainment, and cars is an important fundraiser that supports student activities and is open to the community! Please join us and invite your friends and family! For more information, check our this CARnival website and please contact Kat Ramos, DVS Leadership Advisor, at
  • Senior Activities: Here is the updated Senior Activities list. Please note Prom and Grad Night tickets can now be purchased through MySchoolBucks. Inflation has definitely impacted many families. If you are able able to sponsor other seniors to participate in senior activities, you may do so on MySchoolBucks, and thank you in advance. If you are in need of sponsorship for senior activities, please let Grace Long or Saya Wai know.
  • Boeing Internship: Boeing is offering information sessions that provide a high-level overview of their Summer Engineering Program. This opportunity is open to students who are US Citizens entering their senior year in the fall of 2023 that are enrolled in an engineering or computer science pathway. The session will include information on mentor/mentee expectations, as well as a Q&A session. If you would like to attend, please fill out this form to receive the calendar invitation and zoom link. For more information, please contact Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at

Week 28 Schedule:

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday-Sunday, 3/17-3/19: FRC LA Regionals at Da Vinci  
  • Monday, 3/20: Freshmen College Webinar 5:00-6:00
  • Tuesday, 3/21: Sophomore College Webinar 5:00-6:00
  • Wednesday, 3/22: Medical Interventions Grand Rounds 6:00pm
  • Thursday, 3/23: Junior College Webinar 5:00-6:00
  • Saturday, 3/25: Da Vinci Schools CARnival 10:00-5:00
  • Thursday, 3/30: Exhibition Night for Grades 9 and 11
  • Friday, 3/31: Cesar Chavez Holiday – No School
  • Monday-Friday, 4/3-4/7: Spring Break
  • DVS Graduation: Thursday, June 8th at 5:00pm
  • Summer School (for credit recovery): Session 1: June 13-June 30, Session 2: July 11-July 27
  • School Calendar Link

Opportunity for Young BIPOC Musicians

The Rise Diversity Project aims to diversify the world of film and studio recordings by assembling an orchestra of young, BIPOC musicians from all across Los Angeles. The young musicians will work side-by-side with professional studio musicians and perform and record in a world-class recording studio. Students can apply by clicking here.


For more information, please contact Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at

Click here to see other Real World Learning opportunities.

Spring Semester College Planning Meetings Coming Next Week

Hello DVS Families!  Please join us next week for our Spring Semester Grade Level College Planning Meetings:


9th Grade: Monday, March 20th at 5pm

10th Grade: Tuesday, March 21st at 5pm

11th Grdade: Thursday, March 23rd at 5pm


All meetings will be on Zoom: or use Meeting ID: 9301907728


We encourage all students and parents/guardians to attend!


Career Pathways Summer Course Opportunities @ El Camino College Summer 2023

Summer courses at El Camino College are an excellent way to learn more about your career pathway(s) of interest!  ECC Summer classes run from June 19-August 10.

We encourage you to consider registering for any of these you find interesting, regardless of which school you attend or which pathway you are currently in. More information about class meeting days and times can be found here (Select “summer” for the term)→ 

The classes listed below are an opportunity for you to learn more about your particular area(s) of interest and will be valuable additions to your resume and college applications, but they are not transferable for high school graduation credit and will not go on your Da Vinci transcript.

To register for a summer course at El Camino College, please follow the steps described on the next page. 

If you would like any help, please contact your counselor.

Career Pathway Relevant Summer Courses at El Camino College Notes
Architecture ARCH 119 (CAD Drawing & Modeling)

ARCH 172 (Architectural Color Rendering Techniques)

*BUS 20 (Business Management)

BUS 25 (Introduction to Business)

CTEC 141 (Interior Finishes)

*FASH 1 (Career Opportunities in Fashion)

*courses offered online
Biomedical Engineering *MEDT 1 (Medical Terminology)

*CH 1 (Personal & Community Health Issues)

*CDEV 103 (Child Growth & Development)

*NURS 143 (Introduction to Nursing)

NURS 146 (Health Assessment)

*courses offered online
Business Management *BUS 20 (Business Management)

BUS 25 (Introduction to Business)

ECON 100 (Fundamentals of Economics)

*courses offered online
Computer Science *CSCI 1 (Problem Solving & Program Design in C++)

*CSCI 3 (Computer Programming in Java)

*CIS 13 (Computer Information Systems)

*courses offered online
Civil Engineering *ARCH 100 (Orientation to Architecture)

ARCH 119 (CAD Drawing & Modeling)

ARCH 172 (Architectural Color Rendering Techniques)

CADD 5 (Intro to Mechanical Drafting)

CTEC 100 (Building Fundamentals)

*CTEC 160 (Business & Legal Aspects of Contracting)

CTEC 180 (Residential Plumbing)

WELD 15 (Basic Welding for Allied Fields)

*courses offered online
Entrepreneurship *BUS 20 (Business Management)

BUS 25 (Introduction to Business)

ECON 100 (Fundamentals of Economics)

*FASH 1 (Career Opportunities in Fashion)

*courses offered online
Graphic Design ART 110 (Drawing Fundamentals I)

*ART 130 (Two-Dimensional Design I)

*ART 141 (Digital Art Fundametals)

*courses offered online
Marketing *BUS 20 (Business Management)

BUS 25 (Introduction to Business)

ECON 100 (Fundamentals of Economics)

*FASH 1 (Career Opportunities in Fashion)

*COMS 100 (Public Speaking)

*courses offered online
Mechanical Engineering *ENGR 1 (Intro to Engineering)

MTT 101 (Intro to Conventional & CNC Machining)

MTEC 70 (Basic Robotics)

ECHT 11 (Introduction to Electronics)

WELD 15 (Basic Welding for Allied Fields)

*courses offered online
Media Production *FILM 105 (Media Aesthetics)

FILM 110 (Film Appreciation)

*courses offered online
Multimedia Journalism *FILM 105 (Media Aesthetics)

*COMS 100 (Public Speaking)

*courses offered online

If  you are interested in enrolling in a course, please complete the following steps:

Step 1: Apply to El Camino College

Never applied?

Previously applied?

  • Your El Camino student account is still in good standing if you submitted an application for admission for Spring 2023 or Winter 2023
  • Your El Camino College ID # is the same as previous terms and is 7-digits (no letters)
  • If you do not know your El Camino College ID #, please email:

Step 2: Complete the Dual Enrollment Application

Once you apply to ECC and receive your ECC ID, you must complete a Dual Enrollment Application.

  • Students must submit a completed Dual Enrollment Application for each term they wish to registered for. Once the student and parents complete the Dual Enrollment Form, please contact your counselor  to obtain their signature in Section III of the Form

 Step3: Check for prerequisites

 Some courses have prerequisites which students must clear before they can register: List of courses with a prerequisite.

 Step 4: Enroll in course

After Steps 1-3 are completed, you are ready to register for classes online using MyECC!

  • Students can register anytime on or after your Registration Appointment for the term
  • Students can register for any class section of the course(s) listed on your Dual Enrollment Application form
  • Here is a guide to help you search for classes and register for classes


Week 27 Schedule

Congratulations to Team 4201 Vitruvian Bots who did a great job at the LA Regional Competition in Port Hueneme! Team 4201 made it to the semi-finals and received the “Gracious Professionalism Award” as recognition for being one of the most community-oriented, helpful, and giving teams in the region. The students have been working very hard and we are very proud of them. They will be competing at another LA Regional Competition next week (Friday, 3/17 – Sunday, 3/19) in the Da Vinci Schools gym. 

  • Yearbook: The yearbook is available for purchase at Use the school code 19656. The current price is $50 (+$5 processing fee) but will be increased to $60 (+$5 processing fee on March 15th. Orders will be accepted through May 16th or when the last book is sold, whichever comes first. For more information, please contact Travis Wimer, DVS Yearbook Advisor, at
  • Student Led Conferences: SLCs are next week (March 13th-16th)! Please refer to communications from Grade-Level teachers for details on your student’s SLC time, location/link, and preparation requirements. Also please note earlier dismissal times for next week (see schedule below).
  • Da Vinci Schools CARnival: Da Vinci Schools will be hosting our 2nd annual CARnival on Saturday, March 25th 10am-5pm! This fun day of games, food, entertainment, and cars is an important fundraiser that supports student activities and is open to the community! Please join us and invite your friends and family! For more information, please contact Kat Ramos, DVS Leadership Advisor, at
  • Senior Activities: Here is the updated Senior Activities list. Please note Prom and Grad Night tickets can now be purchased through MySchoolBucks. Inflation has definitely impacted many families. If you are able able to sponsor other seniors to participate in senior activities, you may do so on MySchoolBucks, and thank you in advance. If you are in need of sponsorship for senior activities, please let Grace Long or Saya Wai know.
  • Boeing Internship: Boeing is offering information sessions that provide a high-level overview of their Summer Engineering Program. This opportunity is open to students who are US Citizens entering their senior year in the fall of 2023 that are enrolled in an engineering or computer science pathway. The session will include information on mentor/mentee expectations, as well as a Q&A session. If you would like to attend, please fill out this form to receive the calendar invitation and zoom link. For more information, please contact Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at

Week 27 Schedule:

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday-Thursday, 3/13-3/16: Student-Led Conference (SLC) Week
  • Friday, 3/17: PD Day, No school for students
  • Friday-Sunday, 3/17-3/19: FRC LA Regionals at Da Vinci  
  • Monday, 3/20: Freshmen College Webinar 5:00-6:00
  • Tuesday, 3/21: Sophomore College Webinar 5:00-6:00
  • Wednesday, 3/22: Medical Interventions Grand Rounds 6:00pm
  • Thursday, 3/23: Junior College Webinar 5:00-6:00
  • Saturday, 3/25: Da Vinci Schools CARnival 10:00-5:00
  • Thursday, 3/30: Exhibition Night for Grades 9 and 11
  • DVS Graduation date is scheduled for Thursday, June 8th at 5:00pm
  • Summer School Dates (for credit recovery): Session 1: June 13-June 30 Session 2: July 11-July 27
  • School Calendar Link


Announcements From Real World Learning Director (3.9.2023)

For students interested in STEM:

The Karim Kharbouch Coding Fellowship (KKCF) is cofounded by Hip Hop Artist French Montana and supports youth interested in STEM. Through a 12-month fellowship program, Fellows will complete 80 hours of summer curriculum to prepare them for college, the future of work, and STEM careers, while participating in monthly career workshops throughout the academic year. During the summer months, Fellows will participate in six weeks of summer instruction, then receive monthly career coaching sessions and workshops. Fellows will use industry-standard technologies to learn how to create a brand, understand selling, create a proper wireframe, basic HTML & CSS coding, and more. To learn more, please click here. To sign up for the information session on March 28 at 6 pm, please click here.


For more information, please contact Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at

Click here to see other Real World Learning opportunities.

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