Deadline to submit permission slip to the Latino College Expo has been extended!

Good afternoon DVS Junior and Senior Families !

We still have a limited number of spots available to attend the Latino College Expo happening THIS Saturday, September 14th. We have extended the deadline to submit permission slips to Friday, September 13th at noon or until spots are filled.  Since this is a short week, you can turn in permission slips tomorrow, 9/12 to Ms. Marquez or you can email them to her by Friday, 9/13 at noon.

As a reminder, we will depart from 201 N. Douglas promptly at 9:00 am and we expect to arrive back by 2:30 PM. Students must bring their own lunch or bring money to purchase food on campus.


Please reach out to Ms. Marquez, College and Career Counselor, with any questions.

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